Memory, Time, and the PhD Exit Seminar

Investigating the Role of Hippocampus in Remote Memory Retrieval

Monday, August 21, 2017 at 11:00am

UC Davis Center for Neuroscience, Room 113

1544 Newton Court (Davis, CA / 95618)

Q: What is a PhD Exit Seminar, exactly?
A: It’s literally the one last thing standing between Anahita and Dr. Anahita. It’s like a defense, but less formal (my committee has already signed/approved my dissertation, yay!)

Q: So…what will you be talking about?
A: My PhD thesis work. As fellow grad students know, there’s a lot that happens behind the scenes and many projects that students undertake during their time in graduate school. I’ll spare you every single road I’ve gone down in my pursuit of a doctorate. Instead, I’ll share one single science story about memory and time.

Q: Do I have to be a neuroscientist to attend?
A: No! In fact, I would love it if the members of my audience were from all walks of life and if the neuroscientists were outnumbered. As a scientist, one of my goals is to be a clear communicator, most especially to those “not in the field”. I’d like to share the work accessibly and in language that everyone can understand.

If you have any other questions, please leave a comment below!

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